August 5, 2007
ה- Trademark Trial and Appeal Board היא ערכאת הערעור על החלטות סימני המסחר של ה-United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
להלן תקציר השינויים והתיקונים כפי שפורסמו ע”י ה-USPTO:
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (Office) is amending the Trademark Rules of Practice (trademark rules) to require plaintiffs in Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (Board) inter partes proceedings to serve on defendants their complaints or claims; to utilize in Board inter partes proceedings a modified form of the disclosure practices ~included in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; and to delete the option of making submissions to the Board in CD-ROM form. In addition, certain amendments are being made to clarify rules, conform the rules to current practice, and correct typographical errors or deviations from standard terminology